Combining Flower Remedy Support And Tarot Readings

Archive for July, 2011

Major Arcana, Part IV

California Poppy remedy helps you
find your spirituality within rather than
seeking it from outside or from others.

Hound’ s Tongue remedy moves you from materialistic thinking to perceiving the world in a more holistic way.

Sagebrush remedy helps you cleanse yourself of outdated aspects of your personality.

Walnut remedy helps one make healthy transitions in their life.

Shasta Daisy remedy helps us integrate ideas and aspects of ourselves and become more whole.

Scleranthus remedy increases decisiveness and acting from inner certainty.

Major Arcana, Part III

Buttercup remedy helps us radiate our inner light and uniqueness.

Water Violet remedy helps us share ourselves with others and reengage in social relationships.

Aspen remedy increases our trust and confidence in the future.

Cherry Plum remedy helps us give up trying to control events and increases our feeling of being supported by a higher power.

Pine remedy helps us forgive ourselves and release inappropriate guilt and blame.

Sage remedy helps review and assess our life from a perspective of experience and higher meaning.

Major Arcana, Part II

You’ll notice from here on that some tarot cards have more than one remedy listed. Of course, as I’ve mentioned previously, there are several remedies for many of the tarot cards. But I will be focusing on the two main interpretations of certain cards and listing a remedy for each.

Saguaro remedy imparts a sense of tradition and increases our openness to learn from teachers and elders.

Goldenrod remedy increases our trust in our inner judgment and values.

Scleranthus remedy helps us make difficult choices and increases our inner resolve.

Sticky Monkeyflower remedy increases our ability to have intimacy, connectedness and warmth in relationships.

Larch remedy gives us courage and self-confidence to move ahead in our life.

Holly remedy enables us to feel love and compassion and open our heart to others.

Major Arcana, Part I

Lotus remedy opens us spiritually and increases our meditative insights.

Blackberry remedy helps us direct our will and manifest our goals.

Star Tulip remedy increases our sensitivity and receptive attunement to information from the intuitive realms.


Mariposa Lily increases warmth and nurturing qualities and helps heal the inner child.

Vine remedy increases our ability to serve, lead and be tolerant of others.